How Often Do You Rewatch Anime Reddit
How Often Do You Rewatch Anime Anime Reddit
The only thing i would do as a purposeful rewatch would be like if a new season of an old show were coming out or to get hyped for s2 (looking at you opm). i've never held a worse opinion on a rewatch strictly because i know there will be some flaws i didn't catch the first time and that's okay. That's how it was when i recently rewatched usagi drop, which was one of my earliest anime and which i had always really liked, but my rewatch really confirmed How often do you rewatch shows? whenever i watch a show i usually give it a 1 year give or take "grace period" before Right now i'm stuck on if i should start new anime's that i haven't watched. or rewatch the good ones or the ones i want to watch again. so i want to see what you
12 Anime Series With The Best Rewatch Value Recommend Me
Most of the time is basically watching one episode per day (we can decide to do more than one, or one every two days, but a daily episode is the most common by a large margin) and we have a discussion thread of that episode, since both people that watched it and new ones giving it a try (i watched so many new anime Of course i sometimes rewatch, replay, or reread things too, but anime (and how often do you rewatch anime reddit tv while that may be true, you can get something better out of it when watching a How often do you rewatch shows? whenever i watch a show i usually give it a 1 year give or take "grace period" before i decide to rewatch it and possibly have different thoughts on the show. have you ever had a different opinion of the show, good or bad, after rewatching a show?.

How Often Do You Rewatch Shows Anime Reddit
I re-watch anime fairly often if i really enjoyed it and it had a very lasting impression, usually after at least a few months. for example i just started watching toradora for the 2nd time, first. Do you have an annual anime rewatch list? are there certain anime series you have to rewatch every year? mike from laughingstock media discusses his annual anime rewatch list in this how often do you rewatch anime reddit video! check.

How Often Do You Go Back To Rewatch Anime Uk News Forums
06‏/04‏/2019 i never did back when i was a binge watcher of anime. but now that i don't really watch anime anymore. i'm considering re-watching some of For example for madoka magica, rewatch is a whole new experience now that you understand many things you didn't on the first watch. on the other hand, the enjoyment of some crappy stories rely entirely on the suspense (like some drama/romcom waifu war anime), making them very boring on second watch. So i wonder what's that anime you have re-watched a lot, and how often do you like to re-watch your favorite anime series. maybe there is that one anime that you love but you feel better watching it with less frequency, and there are some anime you can't help but watching it over and over.
Its not very often where i rewatch anime, but when i do, its usually because its something i grew up with (cowboy bebop) or how easy it is to ease into on a whim (nichijou). even then its spaced by a few months in between. I rewatch my favorite anime (clannad) once a year and random episodes of iyashikei anime every once in a while, other than that just whenever i see a how often do you rewatch anime reddit rewatch
When i feel like i want to rewatch an anime lol. it can be more than 6-10 per month or less than 1 per 4 months depends, although i haven't watched much anime lately at all. the beauty of humans is that they say one thing then do another, but at the same time that can also be their ugliest side. 3. I watch more anime than most of my friends, so if i rewatch a series i typically do it with a friend who i know would enjoy it. it's way more fun rewatching it when you've got someone who is getting to see how great it is for the first time, and knowing you'll get to have a cool conversation about the series with them once they're caught up. However, i dare say that every anime fan has at least one series they would and have rewatched several times. obviously, if it is your favorite anime series, you will go back to it for some fond memories. however, to me, an anime series with good rewatch value is something that you can go back, rewatch, and notice something new every time.
Personally, i rarely ever rewatch anything. even my absolute favorites. recently i've been considering rewatching an anime i haven't seen for a while so it got R/anime: reddit's premier anime community. R/anime: reddit's premier anime community. press j to jump to the feed. press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. r/anime. log how often do you rewatch anime reddit in sign up. user account menu. 1. how often do you rewatch series? close. 1. posted by 3 years ago. archived. I watch something, it goes to the bottom of the pile, and works its way back up to the top of the pile for a rewatch. of course after some 15 years of collecting anime on dvd, and now on blu-ray, 1 pile is now 43 piles and at the top of the rewatch pile is anime i last saw in 2005. although most of the rewatching comes from anime i last saw three to five years ago.
According to mal, i have rewatched a series 23 times. most of these are a single times, a few more. that's out of 200+ anime completed, and a little over a year of watching anime. i usually rewatch a show if i want to experience it again.

How often do you rewatch shows? : anime reddit.
12 anime series with the best rewatch value recommend me.
Maybe 3-4 times per year. i find that rewatching anime doesnt feel very enjoyable, because i already know what's about to happen. some series like monogatari though, i rewatched in the chronological order for another experience, and some anime i rewatch to relook into the details which i missed out the first time. Read the topic about how often do you rewatch an anime? on myanimelist, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore how often do you rewatch anime reddit the forums, follow news, and so much more! (topic id: 1698723).
I do rewatch some of them, but when it's been a long time and you've watch so many different ones that you can't really remember them. however, i do agreed that knowing the ending does remove so fun from it, but then some anime where they hint at the ending through the series make it more worth it to rewatch. I usually watch anime every day (obviously not all day long, only in the free sections of the day that are available); this includes episodes of current series i'm keeping up with, and either whole series, or at least starting on series, that have already been (usually series i haven't seen before, but sometimes re-watches, or even both) so in other words, i really watch anime really often. Baccano! highly recommend the english dubbed version, and this coming from someone who hardly ever watches dubs. based on a series of light novels by ryogo narita, the same author who wrote durarara!! at thirteen episodes, the anime follows only p.
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